Our Plan
Our strategic plan was developed with input from NKWIB board members and community leaders to drive the work of the NKWIB, its workforce development partners and the local Kentucky Career Center system.
NKWIB Strategic Plan Elements
Employer Services
Engage employers in the design of services that support talent recruitment, incentivize workforce participation and remove employment barriers.Monitor and respond to employer feedback on Career Center business services.
Serve as a trusted resource and collaborator for employer and workforce partners.
Assess and deploy WIOA resources as available to support hiring and upskilling.
Jobseeker Services
Prepare individuals to enter and advance along the talent pipeline by aligning with P-12, adult and post-secondary education to provide lifelong opportunities for the rapidly shifting realities of work.Monitor and assess outcomes for individuals utilizing Career Center and WIOA services.
Leverage partnerships and resources to effectively engage clients in work and training opportunities.
Connect educational and training partners with employers to further align career pipeline preparation.
Board Governance
Maintain strong leadership and community connectivity by fostering board member recruitment, retention and education efforts.Increase initiatives designed to engage current board members and attract new board members from all five in-demand industry sectors and all eight counties in our region.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Respond to changing employer and individual needs by effectively leveraging local, state and federal resources and benchmarking impact through data and metrics through an equity lens.Collaborate with regional workforce partners to assess and drive progress toward local and statewide goals.
Update financial and programmatic key performance indicators and analyze regularly through the NKWIB and its committees.
Establish innovative workforce policy and funding using regional labor market information and local Career Center performance data.
NKWIB: Our Meetings
Upcoming board meetings:
NKWIB FY25 Meeting Dates